We balance the pH of our pool water, our fish tanks, why not our bodies?
Wow, when I first read about this a little over a year ago or so, it's like a light bulb went on above my head! Seriously, why had this not even occurred to me before? Well, I stumbled upon it doing some healthy eating research. Truthfully, I shouldn't say I stumbled upon it, because I have no doubt that I was led there by the Great Spirit, YaHWeH. But when I came across all this information on why it's important to have a balanced body pH, what being acidic does to our bodies and our health, what makes us acidic, and how we can balance it...it totally summed up my health problems and issues, and their affects on me. I couldn't believe it! I dove right in and started making changes, and I was amazed at how quickly my body responded! I felt better, looked better, and functioned better in less than two weeks. Actually, I started feeling better in a matter of days, and my skin and eyes got clearer and brighter within the first week. I also noticed an increase in energy. Well, it was a wonderful and unbelievable few weeks and then....I bombed. *sigh*
Something happened that I reacted to and upset me very, very, much. And my emotions got the best of me and I surrendered and went on an emotional eating binge. It was awful, and all the horrible feelings flooded back in on me, physically and emotionally. I couldn't get back in line with the program. I should say, I didn't get back in line....I was not letting go of the "thing" that put me over the edge in the first place, and the anger grew, and grew, and turned into bitterness and I found myself in a trap. All my joy, and praise, and thanksgiving, turned to sadness, complaining, and discontent. This is really about more than health issues, I see that now..
In any case, it's been a long, extremely long, year. As I write this I can almost not believe how long I've hung on to things. But the crazy thing is that I had actually fooled myself into thinking that I had let them go. But, no, it all still lingered there deep down inside of me, hiding yet seeping out here and there in little bits and pieces. I'm so stubborn and hard-headed that I clung to my pain, like it was my best friend, instead of clinging to the One who made me, loved me, sacrificed and saves me. But, praise YaHWeH, He has helped me see the light again! Oh, I am constantly amazed at His patience and gentle nudges. His forgiveness and cleansing floods over me, and His beauty and grace overwhelms me...and peace fills my psuche. HalleluYaH! Interestingly enough, the awareness and forgiveness He has brought has led me back to this place of addressing my health issues. I am repeatedly reminded how everything is spiritual at its base.
Well, without going into all the details right now on research and the information I've gathered, I am here to say that I have started to get back in line - or should I say, in balance, as of two days ago. And already, today, I have noticed a difference in my energy level and mental clarity and also the clearness of my eyes. Again, I say I'm amazed at how quickly my body is beginning to respond to these changes. I will have to do another blog post on what exactly I'm doing and include information and links to websites from which I've "gathered". And I want to continue to post my progress on here as an added incentive and accountability for me to keep it going. *little cringing face*
I'm including my children in on this and am trying to encourage my hubby to join in, as well. Although, that's a bit harder to do. But, I think as he sees how things are going, and through much prayer, he'll jump on into the pH pool with us. :))
Go Green! GO Alkaline!
In the process of healing from life and its tragedies, I've heard and am finding that all things creative can be a form of therapy, along with sharing and expressing one's self and one's creations.
Here lies part of my journey to find Peace, Love, and Forgiveness in this crazy life of mine.
Friday, March 16, 2012
My Boys Sewing!
I love seeing my kids learning/trying something new. But, I have especially enjoyed helping my boys learn how to sew. My oldest son has been at the sewing machine before when he was 9, (now 11) when I was learning to quilt and he just really wanted to try it. He did a fabulous job. Boys and machines...they love 'em.
Well, a couple of months ago, I found these old To-Sew sewing kits for 25¢ at a thrift shop. They came with all the supplies needed - thread, needles, fabric-how could I resist? They've been hanging in my closet and the other day my boys saw them and asked if they could "do" them, and it's been said that when a child wants to learn something that's the best time to teach them. So, we went for it!
I worked with them one at a time, and we stopped several times throughout the day and came back to it. I was happy with how they stuck with it, seeing it through to the end. This was great because even though it's a relatively simple project, they were able to practice several skills - reading and following pattern instructions, ironing everything, pinning a pattern, transferring markings, cutting out, machine and hand embroidery, machine and hand sewing. And best of all, feeling good about what they had accomplished when it was finished!

Even though my kids aren't exactly "little" anymore, they still like their stuffed toys. My 11 yr. old recently told me, while hugging me, "Mom! I need to have a plushie of you so I can hug you all the time!" That was SO sweet! Not sure how much longer he's going to feel that way, ha!

Well, a couple of months ago, I found these old To-Sew sewing kits for 25¢ at a thrift shop. They came with all the supplies needed - thread, needles, fabric-how could I resist? They've been hanging in my closet and the other day my boys saw them and asked if they could "do" them, and it's been said that when a child wants to learn something that's the best time to teach them. So, we went for it!
I worked with them one at a time, and we stopped several times throughout the day and came back to it. I was happy with how they stuck with it, seeing it through to the end. This was great because even though it's a relatively simple project, they were able to practice several skills - reading and following pattern instructions, ironing everything, pinning a pattern, transferring markings, cutting out, machine and hand embroidery, machine and hand sewing. And best of all, feeling good about what they had accomplished when it was finished!

My youngest practiced on scrap fabric before he sewed on the "real thing".
It's amazing how much it took to fill this yellow "guy"!
Happy boy with his strange yellow bunny, shaped kind of like a tooth!

My 11yr. old free form stitching the filament design. He thought hand sewing that would take too long so he wanted to try it on the machine. We had already done quite a bit of embroidery on his brother's project, and the felt strips on the bottom of this light bulb were sewn on by hand. So, I said, "Sure, why not!"
I wondered if he'd be able to control his speed and the fabric and follow the lines. But, I think he did a great job!
I "googled" the To-Sew company, but couldn't find anything on them. The bags show an address in California and the copyright on the pattern says 1998, so it's not terribly old. It seems they may have gone out of business, or changed their name. But these kits were really nice, including everything you need to complete the project. I was impressed with how the pattern was just like a typical sewing pattern, with instructions, layout, seam allowances, markings, and notches. It was a very good starter project for teaching kids how to sew, encompassing a lot of different skills.
Since the sewing project, both my sons have drawn pictures of garments they would like to make for themselves (or have me make for them). One stuffed toy-pillow-thingy under their belt and now they're into fashion design? Hahaha...ya gotta love it!
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Not a Survivor
(I originally wrote this within the first 6 months after my daughter's death. I didn't post it then, I don't remember why. I...

I've been feeling crafty lately, but I think it's because it's been SO long since I've done much sewing or crafting just for...
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