Showing posts with label Good Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Times. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Boys Sewing!

I love seeing my kids learning/trying something new.  But, I have especially enjoyed helping my boys learn how to sew.  My oldest son has been at the sewing machine before when he was 9, (now 11) when I was learning to quilt and he just really wanted to try it.  He did a fabulous job.  Boys and machines...they love 'em.

Well, a couple of months ago, I found these old  To-Sew sewing kits for 25¢ at a thrift shop.  They came with all the supplies needed - thread, needles, fabric-how could I resist?  They've been hanging in my closet and the other day my boys saw them and asked if they could "do" them, and it's been said that when a child wants to learn something that's the best time to teach them.  So, we went for it!

I worked with them one at a time, and we stopped several times throughout the day and came back to it.   I was happy with how they stuck with it, seeing it through to the end.  This was great because even though it's a relatively simple project, they were able to practice several skills - reading and following pattern instructions, ironing everything, pinning a pattern, transferring markings,  cutting out, machine and hand embroidery, machine and hand sewing.   And best of all, feeling good about what they had accomplished when it was finished!

My youngest practiced on scrap fabric before he sewed on the "real thing". 

It's amazing how much it took to fill this yellow "guy"!

Happy boy with his strange yellow bunny, shaped kind of like a tooth!

Even though my kids aren't exactly "little" anymore, they still like their stuffed toys.  My 11 yr. old recently told me, while hugging me, "Mom! I need to have a plushie of you so I can hug you all the time!"  That was SO sweet!  Not sure how much longer he's going to feel that way, ha!
My 11yr. old free form stitching  the filament design.  He thought hand sewing that would take too long so he wanted to try it on the machine.  We had already done quite a bit of embroidery on his brother's project, and  the felt strips on the bottom of this light bulb were sewn on by hand.  So, I said, "Sure, why not!"
I wondered if he'd be able to control his speed and the fabric and follow the lines.  But, I think he did a great job!

I "googled" the To-Sew company, but couldn't find anything on them.  The bags show an address in California and the copyright on the pattern says 1998, so it's not terribly old.  It seems they may have gone out of business, or changed their name.  But these kits were really nice, including everything you need to complete the project.  I was impressed with how the pattern was just   like a typical sewing pattern, with instructions, layout, seam allowances, markings, and notches.  It was a very good starter project for teaching kids how to sew,  encompassing a lot of different skills. 

Since the sewing project, both my sons have drawn pictures of garments they would like to make for themselves (or have me make for them).  One stuffed toy-pillow-thingy under their belt and now they're into fashion design?  Hahaha...ya gotta love it! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lights in the Sky

There's almost nothing better than lounging on a blanket with your hubby, your kids laying all over you, and gazing at the night sky full of explosions of light.

This was by far  the best  fireworks show we have ever seen!

I wish I could have gotten better photos, but I just had my cell phone with me.

We thought several times that we were watching the finale, but we were wrong - it just kept going, and going, and going!  And then when the finale had finally come and finished, the sky was empty for about 2 minutes while the crowd clapped, whistled, and cheered.  And after a few second of silence, there was another burst of a few finally final explosions.  It was awesome!  Everyone burst into cheers, and whistles, and screams, and clapping, and laughter...again!!!  Loved it!

Truly, appreciating the freedoms we have in this country and in our amazing God.

"If therefore the son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." ~John 8:36

Not a Survivor

(I originally wrote this within the first 6 months after my daughter's death. I didn't post it then, I don't remember why.  I...