Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Few Things Sewn Recently

These are just a few things I've been working on in the last week or so.  Since the sewing sessions with our homeschool group are over, the wheels in my brain have been turning and looking for fun things to sew.  Even though I have several pants in a pile that need hemming for a friend.  I am getting to them, honest!

My very first wallet project!  I found this wonderful tutorial at Modest Maven, sewing my way for a bifold wallet.   Modest Maven has a lovely blog with several very nicely done tutorials.   And her bifold wallet one was simple and easy to follow with a lot of photos to help walk you through it.

Since this was my "test" wallet, I used scraps of fabric I had laying around and I put on a velcro closure instead of a snap.  I was happy with how it turned out and am now planning on making more.  My husband has requested one without the strap so I need to get fabric for his.

My 11yr. old son wanted to make one so he picked out some fabric and I supervised him and helped with a little sewing.

 He did a pretty good job, if I say so myself!

Another quick and fun project is this pleated zipper pouch.  I found the tutorial for it here at a blog called Skip to my Lou.  
Again, the instructions were simple and easy to follow with nice photos walking you through each step, and the author, Cindy, even has a free downloadable pattern which I was able to print.  I sewed the first one with some fabric scraps and a zipper I had in my stash and was happy with the result.  One of my daughters confiscated it "hot off the ironing board" and is now using it as a make-up bag.  I decided to make another one for my daughters' friend for her birthday.   

It's hard to see the pleats in these photos, but these little pouches turn out so cute that I just want to make a bunch of them to give away as gifts!  I have 5 daughters, a mother-in-law, and several sisters and sisters-in-law that I could pass them along to so I'd better get crackin'!  Oh, but I need to get my hubby's wallet done first.  And then there's that pile of pants in the corner that aren't going to hem themselves.   *sigh*   I guess my cute little zippered pouches will have to wait a bit before they get sewn.   But, they stitch up so quickly that I'm sure I can sneak in a couple here and there between my other sewing projects.  yay

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